While creation waits, it reflects. Here, the still waters of a river reflect clear sky, lush greenery, bounding bridge, and distant home in perfect symmetry. In a similar way, creation reflects its Maker and tells a story of the characteristics of God.
Paul invites his reader to consider this in Romans:
“For [God’s] invisible attributes, that is, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood through what he has made.” —Romans 1:20 (CSB)
Nature reflects God’s character, revealing to us who God is and telling us about his power and divine nature. Everywhere we look are displays of God’s might, his glory, his creativity. We see his love of beauty, attention to detail, and, sometimes, his sense of humor. In the very creation of our world—a place for us to live and thrive—He has shown that hospitality and generosity are foundational pieces of his character.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning penned in her poem Aurora Lee,
“Earth’s crammed with Heaven,
And every common bush afire with God…”
Where are you seeing Heaven reflected on earth today? What bush, sky, or human face is “afire with God”? How is God, in his generous grace, using creation to reveal himself to you?