“trace noun 1. a mark, object, or other indication of the existence or passing of something.” (Oxford Languages Dictionary)
On this last Sunday of Advent, today is a perfect day to look backwards for traces. While the excitement of the Christmas celebration entices us to focus forward, we also can slow down to the speed of pause and reflect upon gifts already received during these last twenty-two Advent days.
In these Advent Reflections I invited you to join me in a holy season of waiting and watching, in becoming more aware of our God who lovingly calls us into a quiet, still place of Advent anticipation. Along the way, my desire has been to help you hear the invitations of a God who comes near and who lovingly welcomes you unto Himself. In your waiting and watching, what have you noticed? How have you become more aware of who God is and of his invitations to you?
I have loved you with an everlasting love;
therefore, I have continued to extend faithful love to you.” —Jeremiah 31:3b (CSB)
Remember: God loves you with an everlasting, faithful love (Jer. 31:3). He has chosen you to be his treasured possession (Deut. 7:6). Even though He may sometimes feel far away, He is always near, his presence a faithful gift to you. So, take heart: Light is coming! Love is on its way! Even creation testifies to Jesus’ power to rescue and redeem in love and righteousness.
What marks has God made upon your soul this season? What gifts has He given you to ponder in your heart? What trace is Jesus leaving on your path for you to notice? I believe that our God is a God who wants to be found and so loves to leave trails.
Find a moment today to reflect upon the gifts that God has given you in this Advent season. And may you experience joyful anticipation as we await tomorrow’s celebration of Christ’s birth!
Cushing Pond, Hingham MA, 2018